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Social anxiety

Social anxiety can hurt a person at any age.  Some people struggle with this silently for years, fighting valiantly against this crippling condition often without support.  It is something that many fear to even talk about, but nonetheless it still exists like a wound that festers.   At Lighthouse Psychotherapy Malta we acknowledge the painful difficulties that one must endure as result of this.  Children, adolescents and even adults at times miss out on enriching experiences simply because they are unable to withstand the overwhelming uncomfortable emotions that emerge as a result of this.  The confining loneliness also triggers a lack of self – esteem and one loses the zest for living as a consequence. 

The Team at Lighthouse psychotherapy Malta can assist in this by creating a safe space to look at the blocks we unconsciously create when attempting to establish contact with others. Creating fulfilling relationships that nourish us is a concept that the Team fervently believes in.  Therapy can assist in helping you create the life you seek and yearn for.